jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Hi everybody today i´m gonna talk about my favorites cartoon ever. First of all I have to say that I don´t see cartoons how I use to saw it when I was a kid. Well I have to Star with Hey Arnold, when I was yunger I saw this cartoons like five times a day, I was obsses with them. The best character, for me, was Yuyin, a White boy with red hear and always something bad hapend to hem, he had a really bad luck. Helga is an other character, she was in love with Arnold  (main character), but he didn´t know it so when she see Arnold she became in the annoying girl ever just to bother him. Now I dont see Hey Arnold as often like I use to do, but sometimes in the night, when i´m doing zapping and I found it I laught a lot. An other cartoon that i was a fan was Catdog, they were a cat and a dog stuck together. The cat had a very bad temper and the dog was the funny one. The cartoons town was very bizarre in fact they live in a house half blue fish half bone.

For me cartoons are for childrens and adults you just have had well disposed to see it and enjoy it.