lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Since I was a child my family and I have lived in the country and  I remember once my older sister decided to go horseback riding without telling my parents. I was about six years old and I went with her...well that was not a good decision. We went to the stable and there was a mare with a seat on her back and we got on it. We took a long ride around the field. Our first stop was the river, there was my brother swimming with our cousins and friends. Then we wanted to go to our grandma`s house and on the way we met some loose horses and when that horses saw and smell the mare they began to gallop behind us, the mare went crazy and she started to gallop to, my sister screamed while she was trying to stop the mare and I just held her very strong. We galloped and galloped until we got back to the stable. Juanito, who was in charge of the horses saw us crying and screaming and he went looking for my dad. The mare was in heat, that's  why horses persecute us. My dad wanted to kill us, but as nothing bad happened to us we went to get ice cream

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

I`m Francisca, I am 27 years old and I am in the last semester
of Theory and Art History.
I grew up in Copiapó with my 4 siblings. Then, when I graduated, I moved to Santiago and I started studying and working on different things until I entered to Theory. Last year I went to Spain in an exchange programme for one semester and I learned a lot and I could also travel a lot. I was able to live with people from all over the world, learn about them and their different cultures. 
I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and also I love climbing
but now I couldn't do it because I have a back problem.
Well that`s me.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Hi everybody today i´m gonna talk about my favorites cartoon ever. First of all I have to say that I don´t see cartoons how I use to saw it when I was a kid. Well I have to Star with Hey Arnold, when I was yunger I saw this cartoons like five times a day, I was obsses with them. The best character, for me, was Yuyin, a White boy with red hear and always something bad hapend to hem, he had a really bad luck. Helga is an other character, she was in love with Arnold  (main character), but he didn´t know it so when she see Arnold she became in the annoying girl ever just to bother him. Now I dont see Hey Arnold as often like I use to do, but sometimes in the night, when i´m doing zapping and I found it I laught a lot. An other cartoon that i was a fan was Catdog, they were a cat and a dog stuck together. The cat had a very bad temper and the dog was the funny one. The cartoons town was very bizarre in fact they live in a house half blue fish half bone.

For me cartoons are for childrens and adults you just have had well disposed to see it and enjoy it.